Monday, August 27, 2007

Unit 1 Test Thursday 8/30 (A day) Friday 8/31 (B day)

Unit 1 Test Study Guide Mr. Finke 6th Grade Science

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Or you can post a comment on this Blog, I will be checking it Wednesday and Thursday night from 7 to 8 pm.

Part A of the test will consist of general questions about observation and inference. Then you will be given a picture to study for five minutes. During the five minutes you can jot down notes on scrap paper about the picture. Afterward, you will be required to answer questions about things you OBSERVED and INFERRED about the picture. Hint: take very detailed notes about the picture and ABSOLUTELY know the difference between the two!

Part B of the test will consist of a reading prompt (story) that tells you about a lab investigation and a simple graphing exercise. The graphing exercise will require you to either set up a graph using our steps: 1. DRY MIX 2. Scale 3. Plot Data or answer questions about where and how to set these parts of the investigation up.

From the reading, you must answer a set of questions correctly. You will be required to pick out the following elements of an investigation:

1. Controlled variables- definition here _________________________________


Alternate name:_______________________________________________________

There will be more than one variable that is controlled in the investigation. You will need to be able to pick out at least two.

2. Dependent variables- definition here _________________________________


Alternate name:_______________________________________________________
There will be only one of these.

3. Independent variable- definition here _______________________________


Alternate name:______________________________________________________
There will be only one of these.

For example: We will test the number of drops of water that will fit onto the surface of a penny. For the experiment, we are going to see how many drops will fit if we drop water from 2 cm, 3 cm, and 4cm above the penny. We will count the number of drops that fit from each height. We will use the same penny, the same dropper, and the same table.

You would answer the following:

The dependent variable is the __________________. The independent variable is the _______________. And the controlled variables are _______________, _____________, and _________________. Sounds like a lab we once did ;)

Part C will test your general knowledge about everything we have taken notes on and studied in class so far this year. This will include:

What is Science
Two Types of Investigations
Details about the Two Types of Investigations
3 kinds of Variables

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Very simple really

1. Be Prompt- be in your seat working on the POD when the tardy bell rings.
2. Be Prepared- bring two sharpened pencils, a single-subject science notebook, and your planner everyday
3. Don't Talk While Others are Talking-it only shows that you aren't listening and that is rude.
4. Fold Trash Papers Neatly-wadding it up creates unwanted distractions and makes a mess of our room. (It doesn't need any help getting dirty)
5. Get Permission Before Getting Out of Your Seat-people cannot learn in chaos